HEALTH OBJECTIVE The Three Rivers Regional Assembly and the NSW Government will work in partnership through this Accord to substantially strengthen the health of Aboriginal peoples within the Three Rivers Regional Assembly footprint. All engagement will be conducted, in accordance with local cultural protocols as identified in Governance and Capacity Commitment 5.3.
1.1. Three Rivers Regional Assembly and the NSW Government commit to establishing a Partnership Agreement between the Three Rivers Regional Assembly, Primary Health Network, Bila Muuji Aboriginal Corporation Health Services and other Aboriginal Medical Services (AMS) within the Three Rivers Regional Assembly footprint and Western NSW Local Health District. The partnership will be responsible for Implementation, Monitoring and Reporting on agreed health priority areas across the Three Rivers Regional Assembly footprint. Lead: Western NSW Local Health District Three Rivers Regional Assembly (TRRA) Other Stakeholders: Primary Health Network Bila Muuji Aboriginal Corporation Health Services Aboriginal Medical Services (AMSs)
1.2. Three Rivers Regional Assembly and the NSW Government commit to, through the Partnership Agreement, facilitating local community conversations to identify and determine Aboriginal health needs and priorities for each of the twelve (12) Three Rivers Regional Assembly communities.
1.2.1. Three Rivers Regional Assembly and the NSW Government commit to facilitating local community meetings to identify and determine what Aboriginal health presence is required at each location as identified by the community. These discussions will include the following topics, but not be limited to; healing, health related employment, procurement opportunities, health related transport, drug and alcohol abuse and chronic disease, culturally safe practices across primary, secondary, tertiary health.
1.2.2. Three Rivers Regional Assembly and the NSW Government commit to ensuring the Chair of Three Rivers Regional Assembly or delegated representative be present at all conversations.
1.3. Following the community conversations (1.2.), Three Rivers Regional Assembly and the NSW Government commit to:
1.3.1. Review and collate the evidence collected;
1.3.2. Learn from models that are both working effectively and not working in the Three Rivers Regional Assembly footprint and other regions; and
1.3.3. Review and agree on the health priority areas and actions for each of the twelve (12) Three Rivers Regional Assembly communities.
1.4. Three Rivers Regional Assembly and the NSW Government, in partnership and following the completion of 1.1, 1.2 and 1.3, commit to delivering Aboriginal local community health implementation plans for each of the twelve (12) communities in the Three Rivers Regional Assembly footprint.
1.4.1. The governance workshops to include, but not be limited to determining conflict and grievance resolutions and mechanisms for identifying areas that may have been missed in initial conversations. Lead: Western NSW Local Health District TRRA Other Stakeholders: Primary Health Network Bila Muuji AMSs
1.5. Three Rivers Regional Assembly and the NSW Government commit, following the completion of the Aboriginal local community health implementation plans, to: a) Review the advice; and b) Review, reflect and agree on the reappropriation or realignment of funding to deliver the agreed outcomes.
1.6. The NSW government commits to overseeing the above commitments and assisting with the implementation of Aboriginal local community health implementation plans through the Western NSW Local Health District, Aboriginal Health Leadership Team. Lead: Western NSW Local Health District Other Stakeholders: